(inseparable) to come apart, disintegrate
My new Ford fell apart soon after I got it.
(inseparable) to suffer an emotional breakdown
Mary fell apart soon after the divorce.
(inseparable) to lag or fail to keep pace
Max fell behind in his rent payments.
(inseparable) to fall to the ground or floor
Mary fell down and hurt her left knee.
(inseparable) to be deceived or to suddenly become attracted to someone or something
Mary fell for the trick that Max played on her.
(separable) to keep something or someone away
Bill had trouble fighting all of the young ladies off.
(separable) to understand or solve a problem
I need to figure out how to fix this issue.
(separable) to complete where needed
Please fill in the blanks.
(separable) to fill completely
You can borrow my car, but please fill up the tank before you return it.
(separable) to learn or discover
Mary was mad when she found out that she was adopted.
(inseparable) to get along with others in a group
Bill decided to go into politics when he discovered he didn't fit in anywhere else.
(separable) to make something available (it was previously unavailable)
Getting fired from my job freed up my schedule. Now I can go to the beach anytime I want.