Simple Present

Form = VERB(s)

timeline for the simple present

Max plays tennis every weekend. Max goes to work at 9 o'clock. Todd usually eats pizza for breakfast.

The simple present is used to express that something happens or someone does some thing habitually or on a regular basis.

timeline for the simple present

Water boils at 212° Fahrenheit. The Earth orbits the Sun. The Earth is flat*.

The simple present is also used to express factual information.

* This includes nonfactual information

timeline for the simple present

The movie starts in twenty minutes. Max's plane leaves at 9:00.

The simple present with future expressions can be used to express future events.

timeline for the simple present

This guy goes into a bar and says the bartender...

The simple present can be used to narrate events that took place in the past or to narrate stories.

timeline for the simple present

Max appears happy. Mary seems nice. I think that Mary is nice. Joe likes pizza.

The simple present is used to express present conditions or states with stative and perception verbs.